Thursday, June 15, 2006

Victory for Joey

This morning, Joey scared me to death. Well, nearly to death.

I was headed out the door with all my things for work. I was thinking how nice and cool it was outside, and also wishing that it would rain. (We really need it around here, all the grass is torched.)

I had a smile on my face and was just unlocking my car door to throw in all my things when I heard a shrill screech coming from above me.

My heart started beating about 300 bpm and I looked around wildly.

No one was there!

Then I noticed my sneaky husband standing up on the "porch" looking extremely proud of himself. I couldn't tell if it was because of the fact that he scared me so bad, or....

Bang! Snap!

Then he really began to laugh at my terror-stricken face. I still could not figure out what had happened--7:15 a.m. is really early to frighten the living daylights out of someone!

"Hahahah, I scared you so bad! Hahahah, I threw Bang Snaps down at you! Hahaha." Joey was quite proud of himself.

I wilted.

"Why is it that you can scare me so good, so easily, when I've been trying for 13 months to scare you just a little?!"

I suppose it has something to do with what Joey said to me last night: I'm just not very good at it. He's right.

I must say, though, I can't think of anybody who would be more fun to be married to than Joey. But he'd better just watch himself...I think he inadvertantly declared war this morning and I'm gonna get him.

I hope.


  1. Oh, so you're going to get me, eh? All I have to say to you is this: I did not screech. It was more of a tribal yell, actually. :)

  2. Were you planning on telling the people that you bought the bang snaps specifically to scare me (and that all attempts to that end have been unsuccessful)?
