Thursday, June 15, 2006


The server at work crashed two days ago, and so our computers went down with it. My computer is back up today, but all of my three months of work is gone.

All of it.

There is one, random folder in my My Documents and it says "Newsletters". It's not even a useful folder! All of that stuff is old junk, not even anything I did.

It also helps that only three days ago someone asked me if I'd been backing up all my files on the server. I thought, OH NO! I didn't know I was supposed to be doing this! What if my computer crashes and everything is lost before I have a chance to back everything up?!

Backing up all my files had been the first item on my agenda for today.

Oh well, I might as well mark it off since there are no files to back up.

I could cry.

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