Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Hiding Skills Need Improvement

Since marrying Joey I have made it a point to try to scare him.

Rarely does this work. Actually, I can't think of a successful "scare" yet. (I need to go to that scare school in Monster's Inc, or something.)

Some of my worst hiding-to-try-to-scare-Joey attempts have been:

1. Hiding behind the door in the bedroom. Naturally this did not work because he noticed that the door was not open all the way.

2. Hiding under the covers in the bed, laying sideways instead of up and down. I was informed that, yes, even though the Jenna lump wasn't up and down, he still noticed a rather human-sized lump going sideways. (I actually wound up scaring myself that time, too.)

3. Hiding behind the laundry room curtain and trying to jump out and scare Joey. Unless my memory fails me (and it does, occasionally) this actually got Joey to jump. But it wasn't a big jump.

4. Hiding underneath the outside stairs. This hiding spot was very, very faulty because the stairs are made out of grates. Joey looked down and said, "Uh, babe? What are you doing down there?"

5. Hiding behind the outside door by where our grill sits. Joey actually did not notice me, but was not scared when he did. I gave myself points on the fact that he hadn't noticed where I'd disappeared, though.

6. Hiding in between the cars. Joey found me there right away; not a good hiding spot at all.

7. Hiding all crouched down outside the front door, that happens to have a large window. The goal was to sort of stop the door from opening, thereby "scaring" Joey. I was just hoping he didn't come blasting through the door and bruise me when I heard, "What are you doing?!" He spotted me through the window.

Joey says pretty much all my "hiding places" are in plain sight. I seem unable to scare him. This does not seem to bother him, though, as I think he enjoys my pathetic antics.

Maybe in Utah I'll actually get a gold medal in Joey Scaring?

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