Monday, June 12, 2006

I Am Too A Good Cook

name has been changed to protect the innocent (me, of course)

Right, so Father-In-Law1 (not to be confused with any other Father-In-Laws I may or may not have) came over tonight to help Joey fix the wobbly ceiling fan. I like Father-In-Law1, he's pretty cool.

I made this pizza on my (supposedly) non-stick pan that was so highly acclaimed for it's non-stickeyness. I didn't bother to spray on any olive oil.

The pizza looked fantastic. It was golden on the edges, the crust had raised gently and looked really light, and the 3-meat 3-cheese blend (I call it The Trifecta) was bubbling appetizingly.

Father-In-Law1 was very hungry.

As I was cutting the pizza, I noticed the crust was sticking to my non-stick pan!

HORRORS! Now FatherInLaw1 is going to think I'm a terrible cook! I poked at my pizza crust. It definitely seemed to be sticking.

"Oh drat, my the crust is stuck to the pan. This might be kinda mangled pizza."

"Hmm, so you still can't cook?!" Father-In-Law1 commented from the couch.

I shot him an extremely good Look. (I was quite proud of it, actually.)

"Wo-ah!" Joey squacked, from the other couch, "I very rarely see that Look."

Father-In-Law1 looked as if he wondered, for a split second, if I might actually have had my feelings hurt. (I didn't, naturally.)

I made some very witty remark that unfortunately I can no longer remember. Joey came over to dish up the pizza which, amazingly, slid right off the pan once he unstuck the small section that was baked on.

Oh me of little faith.

Anyway, I like Father-In-Law1. He can come over again sometime and I might even feed him. Maybe.

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