Sunday, June 25, 2006

I Break Rules

We just flew back in from Utah last night. We had a fantastic week!

I particularly enjoyed feeding the "wildlife" in the national parks (a raven and a squinny) and drinking Pepsis, eating cookies and Pringles and watching National Treasure at 8:00 in the morning with my sibs.

I did not particularly enjoy how guilty Brother-In-Law1 made me feel for feeding said raven and squinny. I think he'd probably have fed them too, if he wasn't so afraid of getting caught. They were SO CUTE. The raven and I bonded. The squinny and I would have too, but the poor thing kept getting chased off inbetween feedings.

We did a lot of off-roading while we hiked in the national parks. We found some 700 year old petroglyphs (or, if you're my Pops, then they're petrographs...). I might add that Brother-In-Law1 touched a petroglyph. I totally would have done it too, if I hadn't given him such a hard time about it. It sorta gave me the guilts about any trouble I may have chosen to give poor Brother-In-Law1.

Yesterday (or was it two days ago?) we decided to go to the Hoover Dam on the way to Las Vegas. It's not really on the way, but it's just barely out of the way. We toured the dam, it's really huge, and then The Kid, Joey and I went up to the observation deck in the 115 degree heat to go look at the big white dam.

It was pretty big, and definitely white.

On the side of the 150 degree rails were signs posted that said "Do Not Throw Things Off. Workers Below." Of course, that made me want to throw things off.

I whipped out a piece of paper, scribbled a cheesy message, tore it off and wadded it up. I pretended to throw said piece of paper from the side of the dam.

Naturally I didn't do it, but I sure wanted to.

I made The Kid take pictures of the whole process, I figure if my dad happens to see them he'll get all mad at me because he'll figure I actually threw something off the side of the dam. Then I can laugh at him and tell him I actually didn't break the rules for once.

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