Friday, June 16, 2006

Why Wal-Mart Is The Great Satan, Part 2

I meant to write this several days ago and forgot.

I have been cutting coupons and really trying to be wise about where I grocery shop. Everyone says Wal-Mart is
so much cheaper than Target, so I decided this week to try it one more time.

If you don't remember how much I hate Wal-Mart, please refer to this post. (In case anyone might think that I'm bright enough to link a previous post in my own blog, I must inform you that Joey did the linking. I tried and couldn't figure it out.)

Anyway, I was grocery shopping, selecting the weekly apples for Joey. I have resolved not to buy cheap apples. I think there's a post back in the beginning about me promising never, ever to buy cheap apples again. So I know to buy the Braeburns or Fujis, depending on which is crispier.

At Walmart, they had Braeburns of biblical proportions. These were ginormo apples, if ever I've seen ginormo apples.

They looked...kind of shady.

Seriously, they were about the size of two normal Braeburns. This particular apple farm must be using some crazy apple growth hormone or something.

I picked 6, put them in the basket, and they weighed over four pounds. That is almost one pound per apple! Insane.

At any rate, I was in a hurry so I finished my shopping, uneventfully, and headed home. (I had pizza dough raising in the bread machine!)

I showed Joey the huge apples and he was like, "Woah! COOL! Those apples are huge!" I told him I didn't hold high hopes for them, that I thought they might be mushy inside. As I was putting the finishing touches on dinner, I pulled out one of those King Sized apples and cut it open.

It was full of worms!

Where there should have been nice, crisp, white flesh there were brown streaks, holes, and worm nibbles. Joey was in the other room.

"Honey?! Come check this out!"

Joey came to the kitchen. He was appropriately grossed out by the apple.

"I'm not paying for those. I'm taking them all back to the store. And then I'm seriously never grocery shopping at that place again." I glared at the apple.

Joey agreed. He and Father-In-Law1 took the apples back to the store later when they went to purchase another fan part. Wal-Mart actually took them back, even though I'd cut one up!

That may be the only thing that store has going for it--they'll let you return positively anything.

But seriously--wormy apples?! Come on!


  1. I try not to go to walmart but there are some things that I buy there. For example, socks and underware.

    'scuse my french.
    Walmart is the ghetto here in FL. I would not pick any of the local walmart shoppers as potential friends. Target on the other hand, yes.
    I figured out why I wasn't hungry last week: I wasn't working. something about sitting on your duff driving around...
