Wednesday, July 19, 2006

3 Parakeets, 2 Shih-Tzus, and 4 Humans

There were more domesticated animals than people in my home last night. It was...crazy-go-nuts.

Henry and Ernie kept mauling each other, the Parakeets were checking each other out, and us 4 humans were trying to keep Ernie from eating the Parakeets.

Like I said, crazy-go-nuts.

Things were going as well as could be expected--we took Henry and Ernie to Saylorville with us and they blew off some of their puppy steam. They really, really, really wanted to play frisbee with the big boys, but just weren't quite big enough yet. This really made Ernie sad, but I think he's survived.

The four humans went to Gelaterie Stam for dessert, and we left all of our pets at our apartment.

Things started to fall apart at bedtime.

Sister and Stephen forgot their air mattress, so they were going to try to sleep on the floor. This did not bode well for Sister's back. She thought she might wind up on the couch if the floor was too hard.

I hoped that Henry wouldn't hear her move and begin his barking.

About 2:30 I got up to use the bathroom, and my movement scared the feathers off the Parakeets. The began flying frantically against the cage walls. I flipped on the light hoping that they would calm down.

It didn't work.

I snuck back to my room and shut the door, hoping that Ernie and Henry would stay asleep, and the birds would stop flying. I hated to think one might break a wing or something.

I also hoped that poor Sister would remain asleep!

My worst fears were realized a few moments later when I heard fluttering again. Then I heard a pathetic yip coming from the kitchen.

Henry was awake. Ernie too, turns out.

I mumbled for Joey to please get up and let Henry out, maybe he had to go potty. His yips were sounding more like "I have to go out now and I'm trying really hard to hold it!" than, "I want out because I'm a whiny puppy."

Getting up at 2:30 a.m. and going outside is not my idea of a good time since the bar down the street closes at 2:00 a.m. Granted: it was Tuesday and there are fewer sots on Tuesdays.

Joey stumbled out, picked up Henry and took him outside, where he promptly releived himself like the good little puppy he is.

We got the kennel and brought it back into our room with us so Henry wouldn't wake up Sister with his "I want out because I'm a whiny puppy" cries after we put him back in to go to sleep.

Fortunately he didn't cry too much.

6:00 a.m. came way, way too early. Poor Sister, sleeping on the couch as she was, was forced to get up when we got up.

Henry and Ernie fought/played for an hour until Henry had enough and started crying whenever Ernie came close.

The Parakeets' wings were not broken, fortunately. They didn't even seem to phased, considering all the banging they were doing.

Ernie has not yet eaten any of the three Parakeets.

Freddie (sister's Parakeet) has finally realized that the chirping coming from the northwest of him is two additional Parakeets and he is going bonkers trying to figure out how to get over to them so they can hang out.

Freddie is, unfortunately, a male parakeet and Mr. Darcy is a female. I hope we don't get baby parakeets out of this. :)

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