Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Difficulties of Taking a Good Picture of Your Pet

After several attempts to get a decent picture of Henry, we gave up. He moves too much.

Way, way too much.
When we tried to take a picture of Henry and Moo (my Texas Longhorn that Henry has decided is his new best friend) Henry spent more time licking Moo and mauling his right hoof than looking at the camera.

Henry also likes to try to lick the lens. This causes obvious problems because puppy slobber is not good for photo quality.

Fortunately Joey has ninja-like reflexes and he pulled the camera away before Henry actually got a good taste of it.

All ten times.

The picture of Henry's face as he tried to lick the camera would have been really cute, though. (But I'm not sure a "really cute" picture is worth $200.)

Yeah, so the entire top two rows are Henry and Moo, when he wasn't trying to lick the camera. As you can see, they didn't turn out so well.

So then we thought we'd try Henry on our bed. Moo wasn't there, and there were no squeaky toys, so we figured we'd have his undivided attention.


Henry kamakazi jumped off the bed on to the floor. He's much, much braver than Ernie. (I think Henry's objective was to get back to Moo.)

The best pictures we finally got were when Joey was holding Henry. Not only did most of Henry's body remain still, he didn't move his head as much, either.

His face is so cute.

Anyway, that's my story of Joey and I trying to get a decent head shot of Henry without him licking the camera. And I'm sticking to it.Posted by Picasa

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