Monday, July 17, 2006

Henry Spars the Ball

Our new dog, Henry, gets a little rough with his squeaky ball, with a little help from his master, Joey.


  1. Henry is adorable! I love the videos, although I can't see the first one. Oh well. I love your sock story as well. I must agree with you on the sock issue. The picture retake was necessary. ;)


  2. Never mind! I can see the first one now and its as fun as the others! :)

    ps. I'm beginning to wonder if Joey likes the squeaky ball more then Henry....hmmmm. :)

  3. Nice pooch guys. Either he is a runt or he is going to be HUGE!!! :) Anyway, that little thing is cute. I hope when Amber sees him she doesn't get too attached and want one too. :s Oh, well. Thanks for the ice cream invite. We'll try to come over next time, when we aren't out of town.
