Thursday, July 27, 2006

Alex Needs All His Teeth Pulled Out

So The Kid went to the dentist today because his tooth hurt. He left with the following diagnosis:

3 cavities
Receeding gums (down to the roots, aparrently)
1 cracked tooth

I figure he just needs to pull all his teeth out and wear falsies. He doesn't have to worry about braces, retainer, or really brushing anymore if he does that.

A major downside would be, like, if he gets a girlfriend someday (IF I let him) and he takes her on a first date and his teeth fall out because he was too nervous to propertly adhere them to his gums. His girlfriend would be freaked out and she'd probably almost puke because, naturally, she wouldn't know that his teeth were falsies.

But I doubt he'll follow my suggestions, he usually doesn't.

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