Friday, July 28, 2006

The Lone Ranger

Today I am the only person around. It's pretty fantastic--the phone hasn't even rung once!

So far today I have:
  • Checked the newspaper to see if our baseball team made it to state. They did.
  • Eaten a roll with peanut butter on it
  • Painted my toenails. Three coats. (Hot pink, naturally)
  • Listened to an episode and a half, so far, of Adventures in Odyssey
  • Cut about 1/4 of the 160 squares I have to get cut today
I'm really enjoying my day to get my work done at my pace, my volume level, and listening to what I want to on the radio.

The real perk is that I can use the annoying, squeaky paper cutter all morning without driving anyone else crazy! I don't even have to go crazy because I can listen to Odyssey while I do it.

Ahh....Fridays in July.

1 comment:

  1. Very thrilling Jenna. :)

    I loved your story about Alex and his teeth.

    <3 Alyssa
