Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Alex Nickel

Usually when I have something really annoying that I have to decide, I pick up the phone and call Alex, my littlest brother. (He is much taller than me.) Alex generally answers my question for me quickly, painlessly, and I don't have to think about it anymore.

Me: "Hey Kid, I'm in HyVee. Should I get one of those really frosted cookies?"
The Kid: "No, that's disgusting. I hate frosting."
So I didn't get the cookie. I was rather disappointed, I might add.

Me: "Hey Kid, I have to go to the bathroom. What should I do?"
The Kid: "What did you call me for anyway? Go to the bathroom!"
So I did.

I have a problem this summer, though, since Alex is at camp. He can't use his cell phone much.

This morning, I had a Pop Tart that I couldn't decide if I wanted to eat warm or cold. I never get Pop Tarts, and I secretly love them, so I wanted to be sure that I ate it correctly. After staring at the Pop Tart for awhile and not coming up with anything, an idea came to me.

I started an email to Alex asking him what I should do. Then I got out a nickel from my wallet (yes, I actually had money in there for a switch) and marked a big A on it in permanent marker and named it the Alex Nickel.

Then, I flipped the coin. Heads--I ate the Pop Tart warm, Tails--I ate the Pop Tart cold.

I got tails. Twice. (Best two out of three, and all...)

I disregarded what the Alex Nickel said and ate the Pop Tart cold.

I don't think the Alex Nickel has the same power that an actual "yes" or "no" from The Kid. (I would feel too guilty for actually disregarding the word from Alex, but I don't seem to have too much trouble ignoring the Alex Nickel.) I guess it kind of works, though.

Do you think it's illegal to write on money with permanent marker? After I did it, I thought it probably was.

I hope I don't get arrested now. If I do, I expect Alex to bail me out of jail since this is all his fault.

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