Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Biggest Sundae Ever

Last night, my amazing husband made me an ice cream sundae.

"Just two scoops of ice cream, please." I asked, as I watched him put the ice cream in the bowl. "I don't want too much."

"I know," Joey said, as he intently positioned the ice cream blobs.

I returned to my book while Joey kept making the ice cream. It was taking....a long time.

I glanced back up in time to see him putting an enormous blob of hot fudge topping on what looked like a sundae monstrosity.

"Wow." I said, as I grabbed a spoon.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I filled the middle in with butterscotch and then I put tons of Cool-Whip on it, and there's hot fudge on top."

It was pretty amazing. Simply the amount of Cool-Whip doubled the sundae size, I'm pretty sure there was more of that than there was ice cream. I took my first bite.

It was predominantly Cool-Whip with a touch of ice cream and a hint of butterscotch.

My second bite was basically all butterscotch and Cool-Whip.

"Woah, you put tons of butterscotch on this!" I said as I tried to figure out just how much he'd put on there.

"Yeah, tons pretty much." Joey said absently, he was reading a book.

I ate about half the sundae (it was 9:30 at night) and couldn't finish the rest. This is what I get for waiting until after 9:00 p.m. to eat my dessert.

"Joey, are you still going to help me eat this?" I asked, as I poked the Cool-Whip.

"Um, no. I don't think so."

I ate a few more bites. My "small" sundae had grown to biblical proportions, and I was not going to be able to finish it, no matter how hard I tried. And I didn't need to finish it, either, if I wanted my jeans to fit.

Sadly, I dumped the leftovers into the sink and sprayed then down the drain.

Then I went over to Joey and gave him a big kiss for making me the best sundae ever, even if it was twice the size I'd expected. :)

1 comment:

  1. I liked that kiss. It was a good one. All cold, and wet, and ice creamy . ..
