Saturday, July 01, 2006

Henry vs. Ivan

So last night we decided maybe we weren't totally satisfied with the name for our new puppy. Fortunately we haven't got the puppy yet (July 15!) so we can still change our minds.

Up until last night, it was going to be Henry. All the other Shih-Tzus we know have such awesome names: Gus, Sam, Ernie. We want our little dude to have a name of similar caliber.

This brought us to our drive down to Yankee Doodle Pops last night. Joey was throwing out names, and I was generally saying "no" to names like Keith (no way, Jose), Alvin (Alvin and the Chipmunks?), Vladimir (no, no, and no), Hugh (reminds me of 20/20), Gunther (how many different ways are there to say no?!), George (not bad...but not good either), Guthrie (that's a street name), and Randy (absolutely not, former bosses' name).

We liked Andrew, Larry, and Doug but figured we shouldn't name a dog after my brother, grandfather, and/or father. Johnny wasn't a bad option either, but we figured that name fell under the same rule, Johnny of course being short for John (who happens to be Father-In-Law1).

Sorry, Alex, we never really considered your name. But we still like you.

The several two we agreed upon were Charlie and Wally. Neither one of these prooved acceptable because Charlie is too similar to Charlie's Angels and Wally is too much like Walmart...Wally World. I hate Walmart.

So then we were back to Henry. Maybe if we called him Prince Henry it wouldn't be so stuffy sounding?

This morning I picked up a book of baby names from the library, and we think we happened on a keeper.


It doesn't have a cute little "ie" ending on it, but it's not a half bad name. Especially if we registered him as Ivan the Terrible on his AKC papers. I particularly like Ivan the Terrible, since this little guy is about as far from terrible as my mom is.

It's getting down to the wire. Will it be Henry or will it be Ivan?

Input is appreciated.

We'll keep you posted. (As if you're dying of curiosity...)

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