Monday, July 03, 2006

Joey Saves The Day

On Saturday night Joey and I were going to bed much, much later than normal. (Like 11:00 p.m. later.) We'd been watching a movie that didn't get over until 10:30, so by the time we got home, loafed around, read our books and got ready for bed, it was coming up on 11:30.

We finally got settled when we heard a strange, obnoxious noise coming from the parking lot next door.

It sounded like skateboards.

We ignored it for about 3 minutes, then decided we'd better check it out. You never know, after all. Dave wants us to keep an eye out for his property and all.

Sure enough, it was two tallish highschool guys wearing long black basketball shorts, no shirts, and skateboarding. And screaming and yelling. At 11:30 p.m.

"Call the cops! Ooh, do it!" I urged Joey.

Joey, always the one with more sense, said, "Well, let's just wait a little bit."

We waited about another 3 minutes.

"They're still doing it and making tons of noise. Call the cops. I've always wanted to call the cops." I started looking for our phone book.

"Let me yell at them to be quiet first, if they don't then we'll call the cops."

"No way! Then they'll spray paint our cars and beat down the doors and kill us in our sleep. Just call the cops."

"I bet we'll be fine." Joey yelled out the window for the guys to be quiet.

Nothing happened.

I grabbed the phone book and started looking up the cops' number. Joey hesitantly picked up his phone and dialed it.

"Hi, I feel really childish, but there's a couple kids skateboarding in a parking lot outside our window and they're making a ton of noise....OK, thank you." He hung up the phone. "They're sending someone."

"YES!" I shrieked. "I wanna watch."

So we turned off the lights and hunkered down by the window, watching and waiting for the cops to come.

To our dismay, the two skateboardin' dudes saw something (the cops?) and relocated to the other side of our building, away from our window.

We never got to watch them get busted, but at least we called the cops. Next time we're calling right away so we can see the cop car roll in...

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