Monday, July 03, 2006

I Am Too Short

This morning I was in a hurry, but I also had to get gas. I stopped at Casey's, for the first time since they've redone it, and hopped out of the car to get the pay-at-the-pump started.

I could not find it.

It wasn't on the pump anywhere that I could see, just 3 slightly high gas pump thingys. (What are those called, anyway?)

Every gas station, especially new ones, have pay-at-the-pump anymore, so I knew it had to be there. I looked up and it was then that I spotted it. The card reader was about 6 feet in the air (I'm not joking, I had to stand on my toes to get to it) and the very base of the keypad began 4 inches above the top of my head. And I'm wearing thick-soled flip flops today.

I struggled to get my card in and out of the reader, guessed what the little screen was telling me to do (of course I couldn't read it, it was eye level for my Dad) and then tried to get the overly high gas pumper out of the holder and into my car.

All of these actions were far too difficult. Getting gas is supposed to be fairly routine, or so I thought.

Why do they make everything so blasted high, anyway? I tell you what, I'm never going back to that Casey's again.

Oh stink, I just realized I forgot my receipt on the pump. But then again, it was a foot above my head...

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