Monday, July 03, 2006


I was shocked.

While I was on my way out to grocery shop, I asked Landlord to put our air conditioner unit in at his convenience, but before Henry arrives, please,

Not 30 minutes later, I arrived home to find Joey (my wonderful husband), some random guy, and Landlord all finagling the huge, ugly air conditioner into place.

I also found out that Joey, who can aparrently read my mind now, stopped at Home Depot on the way home from work to pick up caulk to seal our little air conditioner we keep in our bedroom.

HOLY COW!!! Our apartment was a very comfortable (to us) 83 degrees and cooling when I left.

That sure beats 87 degrees with humidity (which is what it was when I left), or the all-time high of 95 degrees.

Now we won't broil poor Henry in his kennel. Whew.

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