Monday, July 31, 2006

The Reasons Why

Before we got Henry, Joey and I spent two frantic weeks trying to figure out what to name our furball.

After a long, hard search we finally settled on Henry. We have decided that when we have children, we are keeping our unborn child's name a closely guarded secret (kind of, but not entirely like, Alex's legs) until he's born.

This is because lots of people we've told Henry's name to (family members excluded!!) have hated it/said something negative about it. Especially if they haven't seen him when they heard his name.

We figure it'll be harder for people to have such rude responses to the name of our child someday if it's kept a secret until the baby's born. Fewer people have the gall to say "Wow, that's a terrible name" when it's a child and once they've seen it.

So, here are some sample reasons why we ain't tellin':

1. "You named him what?!" (I heard that just this morning, actually.)
2. "Well, he sort of looks like a Henry..."
3. "Henry, huh. I'd have gone with Oscar," doesn't build much morale.
4. "What kind of a name is Henry?" (This would be particularly upsetting if we'd picked something that we really liked that you don't hear every day. But, Moms, don't worry. We won't name any of our kids anything like Buttercup or SheDaisy.)
5. "I think you should name your dog after your father. 'Doug' has a nice ring to it," While this suggestion is not only great but hilarious, Dad would have killed us.
6. " that ethnic or a family name, maybe?"

We haven't heard all of those since naming Henry, but about half. So we just decided that when naming a baby, it's best to keep it super top secret.

But we're not having a baby...or planning on having a baby
for a couple years at least. :)


  1. Heehehe..i'm sure your dad would have LOVED it if Henry's name was Doug. :P

    If it makes you feel any better, I like the name Henry for your dog. Its cute. :)


  2. At least you don't have Aunt Clara to listen to. She always made fun of Tony's name.
