Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sneaky Exercise

I was just sitting here typing and feeling plump and frumpy.


I grabbed my water bottle and headed to "go to the bathroom". First I filled my water bottle up, though, because I felt like I needed to legitimise my trip away from my desk.

I went into the bathroom, shut the door, locked it and double checked to make sure it was locked. I then got down on the nasty rug (which, I discovered, is kind of sticky) and started doing sit-ups. For the sake of time, I only did 20.

I then flipped over and did 10 push-ups and discovered that I'm more out of shape than I thought I was. And that I probably have carpal tunnel becuase YOW does my wrist hurt. And yes, I did all this wearing my long, full, white peasant skirt. It was a challenge.

This sneaky exercise seems like a perfect solution to my insanity problem. If I "go to the bathroom" every hour, that's a zillion sit-ups, push ups or whatever else I decided to sneak in!

I do realize that doing sit-ups alone won't make me svelte (read: slim and trim--like Alyssa), but I'll at least feel like I could potentially be getting that way.

My biceps hurt.