Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Case In Point

I was sending out a letter two weeks ago and I needed labels. Since I don't have them on my computer, I asked for them from the person who does. This caused that person to throw a big fit, informing me how inconvenient it was for them to give me the labels.

Fine, whatever, but I still need the labels.

I got the labels about 20 minutes later, previous whining aside.

I had to send out an even larger mailing today, and so last week I began typing a database of all the recipents of this letter. It goes out to about 160 people. I finished the list, double checked it, and printed off all the envelopes this morning. It's extremely convenient to be able to do it this way, since I really don't like labels anyway. It's more expensive and it takes more time. And it's annoying.

As I was beginning to stuff my letter, I heard a squack come from behind me.

"HOW is that letter going to go out today when I haven't printed off any labels?!" Aparrently, that person was on the warpath. Again.

I stuck my head in the office, smiled and said, "Oh, don't worry about it. I typed a database of all the names and printed envelopes."

"What?! Why did she do that?!" I heard, as I shook my head and walked away, fortunately with a teeny smile on my face.

Come to find out, it seriously annoyed this other person that I typed my own database and subsequently don't even have to deal with the sticky labels. Aparrently they really, really
wanted to chew me out and make me feel like scum for asking for lables again, and I didn't give them the chance. So instead they chewed me out for not asking for them.

I simply can't win.

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