Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Scissors Rock

It sounds conceited, I know, but I just need to gloat about the fact that I have the best scissors in the entire building. Everyone elses' are sticky from tape, have a screw loose (and it's not just the scissors that have that problem), or are too stiff and won't really do much. Or they're just too darn big.

My scissors have none of these problems. I had to use a substandard pair this morning (I keep it in my desk for back-up) and was reminded again just how glorious my scissors really are.

They're black and silver, sleek, just the right size, move smoothly, and don't have any tape on them. Yet. But I'm real careful to make sure that I don't use them on gunky jobs, that's what the back-up is for.

So...I have the best scissors. That makes it a good day.

Oh, and I know I have the best scissors because I've done an cursory check of everyone elses', just to be sure, and mine really are the best.

So yes, my scissors rock.

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