Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pepsi Jazz Falls Flat

Don't waste your money on Pepsi Jazz. It's nasty.

I love Pepsi, so I'm really not sure why I bothered trying their new soda, but it's tradition, so I usually grab a new pop and see how bad it is.

This one's real bad.

Imagine a Diet Pepsi, which is the base for Pepsi Jazz, and then mix in such flavorings as Strawberries and Creme or Black Cherry and French Vanilla. The results is disturbing. Pepsi should not smell like a Starbucks Frappuccino with a Pepsi kick.

So don't waste your money and be disappointed and then feel like you have to drink the whole thing, like I did. It is not worth it. And you'll get a stomach ache.


  1. Your Scissors rock. Or so I hear.

    Thanks for the pepsi tip. :)

    Rachel, Logan and I had a 'war' today. It rocked.

    Rach was shocked to find that you and Alex are siblings.

