Thursday, August 17, 2006

I Am Not a Mind Reader

Here is an actual telephone conversation that I had not moments ago.

Me: This is Jenna

CW4: What about time sheets?

Me: Um...what about time sheets? (At this point I need to mention that there are four different things he could be wanting to know about time sheets. I don't have the answer to any of those four things, since I don't do payroll, so I can't figure out why he is calling me in the first place.)

CW4: (annoyed sigh) Where are they?

Me: We have some in the office.

CW4: Can I get some down here for my employees? (Still really annoyed tone of voice)

Me: Sure, I'll put some in your box.

After I hung up I discovered that he's supposed to have copies of time sheets down there, and he's supposed to be printing them off himself. So, I emailed him the entire file again. I have yet to figure out how that goes over.

I do want to point out that simply asking, "May I please have some time sheets down here for my employees" would have been a whole lot easier.
Yeah, so CW4 just showed up looking for his timesheets. I told him I'd emailed them to him.

That did not go over so well.


  1. You mean you can't read minds? Wow Jenna..thats just sad. :) Just kidding.

  2. haha. I just read the later part.

    You lead a crazy life Jenna. :)
