Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ketchup is Best When It's Cold

Last night I made meatloaf for dinner. I usually hate meatloaf, but the recipe I used was pretty good. (Thank you once again, America's Test Kitchens.)

Ketchup goes with Meatloaf like...Ren goes with Stimpy, I guess. Ya just gotta have the two together.

It was sometime in our first few weeks of newly engaged bliss that Joey and I had The Discussion about the location of ketchup bottle. He believes ketchup is best placed in the cupboard, since it does not say "refrigerate" on the bottle. I think that ketchup belongs in the refrigeragor.

Reasons Why Ketchup Should Be Refrigerated:
1. My mom refrigerates hers
2. Cold ketchup on piping hot burgers, meatloaf, steak, etc. always tastes the best
3. Ketchup looks best on the refrigerator door right next to the Worcestershire sauce (which, amazingly, also doesn't say "refrigerate" on it either)
4. Warm ketchup seems...creepy. I feel less concerned about the fact that it's shelf stable when it's in my fridge

My arguments really stink. I need to work on that.

However, at our house we do refrigerate the ketchup...but the Worcestershire sauce is in the cupboard by the molasses.

A compromise, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. I tried for years to put the ketchup in the fridge because my Mom always put it in the fridge. But every time I put it in the fridge, John would put it back in the pantry. Now if I put it in the fridge, somebody opens a new bottle thinking we are out and I end up with several open bottles all half full. Losing battle.
