Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ebay is Awesome

My cell phone battery has been dying. At first I thought I could make it last a few more months, but it's to the point now where I can charge it up to full health and by the end of my first five minute phone call the thing's beeping "Low Battery" at me.

I checked into cell batteries, and the kind I need was going to set me back $50. I refuse to pay $50 for an itty bitty battery. As the saying goes, "like husband, like wife"; I decided to check Ebay to see if they had anything cheaper. (And, for those of you who may wonder, that's not really a saying. I made it up.)

They do--$40 cheaper. Including shipping.

I pretty much feel like I've kicked commercialism's butt. I probably haven't, but at least I feel better about replacing the battery now.

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