Monday, August 14, 2006

Dude, your phone's ringin'

On Monday mornings it's really quiet at work. I was frantically applying labels to file folders (I have to have 2,000 some done around the end of the day or early tomorrow) for a fairly time-sensetive project when I heard my little brother Alex's voice coming from my purse.

"Dude, your phone's ringin'...Dude, your phone's ringin'...Dude, your phone's ringin'..."

I jumped a mile. I forgot to put my cell phone on vibrate.

CW1's head snapped up from her desk, "What in the world is that?!" She asked.

"Um, that's my phone." I mumbled, as I dug around trying to find it. I silenced it quickly.

"That's your ringtone?" She asked, quizzically. "What in the world..."

"My little brother made it for me, it's what rings when my parent's house calls. It's better than when my brothers call, then it says, 'Hey stupid, answer your phone'. Alex recorded them for me special." I looked longingly at my phone; I was dying to listen to my voicemail. I always get so curious when people call and leave me messages during my day.

About an hour later, I got my chance. It was The Kid calling to tell me that his Mac had arrived--go him!

Ours has arrived too. (I checked FedEx.) I'm sure Joey's itchin' to go home and pick it up! Only fifteen more minutes until your class is out, baby! Hang in there!

1 comment:

  1. haha. Alex is one cool kid. :)
    I laughed reallly hard...I can definitely see him recording that. :)

    I would have screamed, so way to just jump. :)

