Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Stomach Hurts. Again.

Lately I have, admittedly, been consuming altogether too much junk food. It's like I have this "Sugar NOW" button that gets pushed and then I go on a mad sugar dash.

This is not good. Especially if I don't want to have to buy new jeans.

I have just finished consuming oatmeal raisin cookies (which I justified because they contained oatmeal and raisins) and drinking coffee. I am now shaky-jittery from the caffeine because I also drank a Mountain Dew about an hour ago.

Joey says my breath is "horrendously stinkable". I'm not sure that's very nice.

All these sugar cravings had better not be because I'm with child. That would be, um...interesting.

Anyway I'm tired of blogging and I'm going to go play with my iPod and run around the house all jittery-like. I'm really freaking out my brother-in-law.

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