Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Oregon Trail

Today at work I'm purely decorative. I really haven't got anything to do, so my main job is to sit here and look like I'm busy. I hate that, I super feel bad doing it...but you can only reorganize your files so many times before you can't find things in them anymore.

So today, I'm playing the old-school Oregon Trail game on the Internet. The Kid found it for me online and I just killed off me, Joey and three of our children in my first attempt at crossing the Rockies in probably 15 years.

Next time I'm going to be a banker so I can have more money to buy clothes and stuff. This hunting business is for the birds.

1 comment:


    If i had time i'd leave you a nice long birthday comment, but i don't..so I owe you one!
    Love Alyssa
