Friday, September 01, 2006

Joey Is My Stylist

Yesterday when I was at Target, I happened upon a really fantastic pair of gauchos for $11, some brown sandals for $3 and some strange earrings for $5.

Having taken a temporary leave of my senses, I put the sandals back and opted for the earrings.
I actually could use a pair of dark brown sandals, since I don't have on and it's not overly professional to wear beige beach flip-flops to work. (Which I've been doing.)

The earrings? Now that's another story. They're not useful at all.

I knew the earrings were unusual, but what I really wanted was this gorgeous black necklace that matched another pair of earrings Joey picked out for me at Dillard's last year. (The actual necklace that went with them cost $80, on clearance. We decided that was not a wise use of $80 and so I only got the earrings for $10. I like gift cards.)

At any rate, I really adored this black necklace and it was clearance, too. It was $10 but I didn't feel right about spending the same amount on a necklace as I would spent on some clearance gauchos for work.

This is mostly superfulous information. Sorry.

I got home, tried on the earrings, and saw the error of my ways instantly. Unfortunately, I didn't have the gumption to go swap them for the sandals, sinc eit was 9:00 at night and I had tons of work to do before I could go to bed.

So...I left the earrings on the kitchen table.

When Joey came home we talked about the sandals and the black necklace and the odd earrings. He was really excited that I found a black necklace that was similar to the $80 one (which he was super, super sad we couldn't afford. He told me he even looked for it on Ebay for me for our anniversary!).

"We'll have to go back there tomorrow," he mumbled...I could tell he was falling asleep.

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I heard a shocked, horrified cry from the kitchen. In the vicinity of the kitchen table, actually.

"What ARE these things?!" Joey hollered. "They're awful!"

I could only assume he was referring to my terrible $5 earrings. They were definitely going back to the store. (I love return policies)

"You should know by know that I am better at picking jewelery out for you than you are," Joey said.

Drat. He totally has a point.

Good thing I married someone with better taste than me, eh?

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