Thursday, September 07, 2006


This week on groceries, I only spent $34.25 of the $40 we have budgeted. Last week it was even lower, but I don't know the actual number.

I was so excited when I left Fareway on Tuesday.

Now it looks like I'll have to spend at least another dollar or two, Joey signed us up to bring dessert to the Seminary picnic on Saturday...and if I make pumpkin bars I need to buy cream cheese to frost them. (And maybe some of those candy-corn pumpkins to set on each of the bars. I love those things.)

It fairly amazes me that I can buy plenty of groceries for less than $40, when I used to have a terrible time keeping it at $50 last year when we had more budgeted. Half the time then it was closer to $60 I've almost cut my grocery expenditures in half over the year we've been married! Coupons (and menu-planning) to the rescue! :)

Funny how organization helps...

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