Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Henry Gets Sick

Yesterday, I got a phone call from Joey while I was at work.

"Um, hon, I just got Henry out and took him downstairs to go outside, but I think he had a major accident in his kennel. He's wet, his face is all yellow, his neck is kinda goopy, and he smells terrible."


"Do you think he threw up?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, maybe. That's probably why his face is all yellow. He's laying around all listless, too."

Despite actual visual confirmation, we determined that Henry had thrown up in his kennel, laid in it, and then given up and decided to go ahead and have an accident on top of things, since he was already disgusting.

When I got home, the poor little guy just looked at me like he knew he was rancid. I picked him up to give him some love, but quickly put him back down after I found the soggy spot on his side.

In fact, he smelled so bad that I promptly filled up the bathtub and plopped the poor, sick puppy down in the water and scrubbed him up but good. He was more pathetic during this bath than usual, and I felt so sorry for him. If he hadn't smelled so bad, and been so sticky, I maybe would have waited for awhile.

Anyway, Mom says the dog is preparing us for having children. I suppose that's not entirely bad; since I can't handle it when people get the flu I might as well get broken in on my dog.

Grody. He better not do it again today.

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