Thursday, September 21, 2006


Some of you may recall that, previously, Joey and I called the cops on the noisy skateboarders outside our apartment window at 12:30 a.m. It was super fun, although the kids figured out the cops were coming and left before we could see the take down. (What a disappointment.)

Two nights ago, at 10:30, I heard the familiar whir and clack of a kid trying to jump over the grass patch that divides the two parking lots outside our window. Aparrently it's really popular with the skateboarders.

"I should yell 'TAKE IT TO THE MOOOOOOOON!' out the window and see what the kid does," I said to Joey.

"Yeah, do it!" Joey egged me on.

I slid over to the window and peeked beneath the shades, so the skateboarder couldn't see me.

"Is it the same ones as last time?" Joey asked.

"No way, this one's kind of plump." I whispered and ducked down, in case the kid heard me. He didn't seem to.

"Those others were kind of skinny, weren't they."

The kid geared up for another jump over the grass, and I made a decision. Instead of yelling "Take it to the moon", I was going to scream bloody murder as soon as he jumped.

He started rolling....he jumped....and I screamed. Super low, and super loud.

The kid froze. Joey and I dissolved into giggles (but his were very manly giggles), and he rushed over to the window to see what was going on. We sat there, on the floor, peeking through the 1 inch crack between the shades and the window sill, hoping the kid didn't know which window the scream had come from.

The kid, at this point, was looking around quizzically, obviously wondering what he should do. Was someone in danger? No, it wasn't a terrified scream, just an "aaaaaugh" scream. Was someone going to kill him? No, it wasn't quite
that kind of a scream. Was he being watched? Definitely.

The kid picked up his skateboard and started to walk towards home. He kept looking over his shoulder, kind of nervously.

Joey leaned to the window and yelled, "TAKE IT TO THE MOOOOOOOON!" Guiltily, we giggled again.

The poor kid stopped again, looked around, and started back towards home. This time he was walking a little bit faster.

"I feel kind of bad now," I said to Joey as we crawled back under our down comforter.

"Yeah, me too. Poor kid. He'll be OK."

"But it was only 10:30 and he wasn't even bothering us...But it was totally hilarious."

We decided to fall asleep and not worry about the kid anymore. But I bet we probably won't do it again. Still, hilarious.

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