Friday, September 22, 2006

Spirit Beads and Toner Cartridges

Today is "Wear All Black" for spirit week. I actually participated this time, I am dressed from head to toe in black. I feel very svelte.

Computer Guy came in this morning to bring me the toner that I asked for a month ago. He was dressed in all black too, but HE had on silver spirit beads!

I shrieked, "WOW! You have spirit beads!" When I saw them.

"Spirit beads? Oh, yes, I do." He sort of chuckled at me. (This was, of course, after I'd said "Wow, I'm SO excited that you brought the toner. I'm really looking forward to seeing how dark the printer prints now". And I was serious.)

"I have to give them up if I talk to a football player outside of a class today. Whoever has the most at the end of the day wins some sort of prize. But if I still have them by the end of the day, I'll come give them to you," he said to me as he took the toner cartridge out of the box and put it in the printer.

I was positively giddy at the prospect. (Even more giddy than I had been over the toner.)

Just five minutes ago, Computer Guy came into my office wearing his spirit beads. He came over to my desk, took them off, and gave them to me. I put them on, of course. (If he was any younger than age 58, I would not have accepted them from him.)

I was chattering on and on about my new, sparkly spirit beads. Cleaning Lady looked at me and said, "Wow, it doesn't take much to get you excited, does it?"

"Nope, not at all," I was proud to respond.

Computer Guy had accidentally talked to a football player outside of class, but he breathed a huge sigh of relief when the football player didn't take his spirit beads. I guess he'd been saving them for me all day. I really, really, like them.

The toner for the printer is pretty sweet, too. You should see how well that printer prints now. It's pretty amazing.

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