Monday, October 09, 2006

Fortunately, we had a great, easy drive down to Dallas on Thursday.
Unfortunately, we got caught in traffic (rush hour) from 4:00-6:30 and so we didn't get there until later than we'd planned.

Fortunately, there was a Turkish restuaraunt(!) pretty close to the DTS campus and so we decided to go there for dinner.
Unfortunately, since we got in late and then got sort of "lost" finding the restaurant, I missed CSI.

Fortunately, we stayed in guest housing for free and there was a TV!!!
Unfortunately, the TV didn't work.

Fortunately, the room we stayed in had its own ironing board and (yay!) bathroom.
Unfortunately, I broke the handle off the toilet when I tried to flush it. (But Joey fixed it a few hours later.)

Fortunately, we met a friend of mine from my home church for fantastic breakfast at a fun little diner. (Joey's biscuits and gravy were $1.99, he was
so excited.)
Unfortunately, when Joey and Heath went to pay for our breakfast, Joey got winked at by the cashier. Who was a guy.

Fortunately, Joey's aunt sent along some yummy chicken, sandwich fixins, apples, and peanut M&Ms for us to have for lunch yesterday on our way home.
Unfortunately, we forgot the bread and apples at their house and had to stop at a Wal-Mart south of Oklahoma City.

Fortunately, we were getting fantastic gas milage on this trip.
Unfortunately, we almost ran out of gas in Kansas.

Fortunately, I bought a king-size Three Musketeers bar to surprise Joey with and for us to share.
Unfortunately, he bought me one as a surprise too. At the same gas station.

Fortunately, we made it home safely last night an hour ahead of schedule!

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