Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Live Blog

I wrote this on Thursday but haven't had wifi until now.

I have been up since 5:00 a.m. and we were on the road at 6:00 a.m. (Talk about efficient.)

As we near the Missouri border, I decided to actually live-blog the first 16 minutes of Missouri to see how close my sample was yesterday. Fortunately at this point I don’t have to go to the bathroom. Yet. But then we’re not quite to Missouri yet, either.

7:24 a.m. We just entered Missouri. They don’t even have a cool sign that says “Missouri”. Joey says the highways are “crappy” now. I have to concur.
7:25 a.m. They have a mile marker every tenth of a mile. (That seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars; nine more signs per mile than was absolutely necessary, if you ask me.)
7:26 a.m. Nothing cool is happening. We’re about to go under a bridge.
7:27 a.m. We just passed a field of goats. Tons of goats. There was a white one that was trying to climb a tree stump, and I really thought he was cute. It was like a goat rainbow there were so many different colored goats.
7:28 a.m. A school bus drove down a gravel road next to the interstate and kicked up a lot of dust.
7:29 a.m. So far this live-blogging is really boring. I think we’re coming up on some kind of metropolis or at least something with large neon signs.
7:30 a.m. The town is called Blythedale and/or Eagleville. If we had an RV we could park it here, they have an RV place. Joey says my grandparents would be proud. There is also a fireworks store.
7:31 a.m. I asked Joey if we could stop at the fireworks store and this is what he said: “No.” Just like that, too. Why is it that I am the bad one and he’s the good one always trying to spoil my evil fun?!
7:32 a.m. I see a bunch of trees. Some are green and some are yellow. Some don’t have any leaves.
7:33 a.m. We got passed by a Minnesota guy driving a Mercedes. Other than that nothing has happened lately. In the last minute, I mean.
7:34 a.m. The sun has finally come up enough for Joey to turn his headlights off. The lappy is starting to get warm sitting on my lap. I hope I don’t catch on fire.
7:35 a.m. Joey wants a Mountain Dew. He is starting to get tired. I have to go to the bathroom.
7:36 a.m. There’s a big orange balloon hanging in a tree and we just passed it. On closer study it was actually some kind of jack-o-lantern, but it looked like a balloon. And we just passed a sign that said “Quality Meats” and Joey thought it was cows on the sign but it was really deer.

I know that was (not) fascinating, but I just discovered that I have more important things to do. Joey said he was going to set up Keen for me to play, so I’m going to go save the babysitter in Keen6.


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