Thursday, October 26, 2006


Today is one of those days where I wish I could claim I got dressed in the dark.

(I didn't. In fact, I laid my clothes out last night.)

Has this ever happened to you? You get up, go to work, and realize that you're wearing the most dreadful outfit, so you throw a wool cardigan over the top in hopes that it fixes all your fashion problems.

It happened to me.

It all started when I exchanged my trouser socks for a pair of white cotton ones (it's FREEZING outside!). It went downhill quickly when the shirt I wanted to wear under my sweater was wrinkled, so I just left it at home. This left me with several problems:
1. White socks with brown pants
2. A sweater with nothing underneath of it
3. The sweater's kind of short so it needs something underneath of it or I look like a buffoon

To top it off, the wool cardigan I've had to wear all day is making me really, really warm, and sleepy, and frumpy.

What problems I am having!


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I usually have bad hair days... why is it theres always one bit that won't stay flat...

  2. I have this bit on the left side that always flips out. Always. I keep thinking that when my hair gets longer it will stop doing that...hasn't happened yet.
