Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Keep 'em Up, Cowboy

I was strangely comforted today as I was watching the news online. A headline caught my eye, "Pull Your Pants Up, Dallas!" and I thought, "Hmm, that looks interesting." So I watched it.

Aparrently, people in Dallas have an, ahem, problem keeping their pants above their bums. It seems to be some kind of fashion trend.

This is particularly interesting to me because, when Joey and I were in Dallas looking for apartments, we saw a guy with his pants way, way below his bum. He seemed to give Joey the jibblies (granted, the guy was yelling obscenities at a little girl) because Joey grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go until we left that apartment complex. Needless to say, we're not renting there.

Some concerned Dallas citizen wants to pass a law making it illegal to show your "unders" in public.

And that would be just fine with me.

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