Saturday, November 04, 2006

100% Hydrated

I got up early this morning, primarily because Henry was wiggling around on the bed. When I'm at my parent's house, he makes too much noise in his kennel and I am afraid he'll keep others up, so I let him sleep with us. (Perhaps it is the wrong thing to do.) Dad installed this fantastic looking lightpost in the front yard (think The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) and it illuminates so well that it made it hard to sleep in our room. Between that and Henry's wiggly ways, it was a long night.

So at 7:00, I'd had enough. I made Henry and Ernie's breakfast (but Henry was too excited to eat much of his) and sat down with my Pops who has just earned his SIOR, I might add. (YAY DAD! I call him Sire now because it sounds cool.) After about an hour of dazing off into the cornfield, Dad looked at me and said, "Hey, let's go to Starbucks and get a steamer."

I had plans to meet with a friend of mine at 10:00, and we were going to Panera. And coffee has been really, really bad for me lately; makes me jibblie and I can't breathe and I shake a lot. So I'm trying to quit.

"Well, I'm going to coffee with Adriel at 10:00..."

"Oh you can go twice. Come on, let's go."

I shrugged. "Sure, as long as I'm back in time."

(I might add that Mom piped in at this point with a "Drinking that much coffee isn't good for you, remember!", but she's cute so we just patted her on the head and said we probably wouldn't drink much coffee. Mom's real healthy.)

Mom gave us a Wal-Mart list (I know, I know...) and we headed out. It was pretty cold.

I got a Pomegranate Frappuccino at Starbucks (no coffee for me!) and Pops got a Vanilla Steamer (no coffee for him either, Mom!) and we took them into Wal-mart without asking. Nobody kicked us out. (As if they would dare kick my Pops out anyway, he's a new SIOR!)

We made it to my parent's house just in time for me to turn around and go to Panera to meet Adriel, where I happily sipped tea for an hour and a half. And now I feel like I could float a battleship.

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