Friday, November 03, 2006


This is, like, my fourth post of the day. (But who's counting?)

We arrived at my parent's house and promptly locked our keys in the car. This was bad for several reasons:
1. Henry's dinner was in the car
2. Alex's presents (both of them) were in the car
3. Our cell phones, camera, my purse, and Joey's wallet were in the car
4. The pie for Alex's birthday was in the car
5. The keys were in the car

After having a really bad day, I didn't so much handle the "oops, the keys are locked in the car" thing very well. I got kind of snippy. Actually, I got very snippy. This was not my greatest moment. Joey called several locksmiths (both of which were on the phone) and one called us back and said he could be there in half an hour.

With that problem solved, I looked down at our poor hungry dog and noticed that Ernie (Alex's dog) was really wailing on him. In fact, Ernie had Henry pinned entirely under his body and he was sitting on him.

And...there was a big puddle of something that was growing....

"HEY! Ernie is peeing on Henry!!!!" I yelped.

At first, nobody did anything. We were too stymied as to why Ernie would sit on Henry and pee on him. We just stood there and looked at the puddle grow...and grow...and grow...

Finally Mom got her wits about her and said, "Somebody take that dog outside and then put him in his kennel."

Ernie was whisked out of doors.

I gingerly picked up Henny (his back was pretty wet and his tail was even wetter) and carried him up to the bathroom where I whisked up the rug and deposited him on the floor to play until I was able to give him a bath. He did not like the prospect of two baths in one day, nor did he seem to like the idea of being shut up in the bathroom by himself.

But what do you do when your doggy cousin pees all over you and it's time for your dog mommy to have dinner?

So we had dinner, I gave Henry a bath, the locksmith showed up and we paid him (which our insurance should reimburse us for), we ate the pie, opened Alex's presents (once we got them out of the car), and watched a movie.

And now it's way past my bedtime and I have no idea what I'm doing up blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, yet another crazy story in the life of Jenna. :)
