Saturday, November 25, 2006

2.8 miles

I just walked back to Panera to get my car. I thought about taking Henry, but he's really tired today so I left him in his kennel to lounge around. Seriously, dogs have such an easy life.

It only took me 55 minutes to walk back to my car today, as opposed to the hour and 20 minutes that it took last night. This is probably due to the fact that I have tennis shoes on today, and I could actually see where I was walking.

Another positive aspect of the walk this morning was that nobody tried to "give me a ride". Some guy thought I was a damsel in distress last night and offered to give me a lift. (I was talking to Jamie on the phone just then, so I felt entirely safe and not scared at all.) I told him I was fine and he drove off. He had a super big truck and that scared me.

Um, I'm pretty tired now so I'm going to go back home and finish watching Pride and Prejudice (with the commentary on this time!). Henry keeps getting bored and falling asleep. I think he's a nerd.

Oh, and I brought all of the sets of keys with me when I went into the library. No more of this "locking the keys in the car" business for me.

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