Friday, November 24, 2006


So it's the day after Thanksgiving (or, in my family "Christmas") and my family's gone home, Joey's at work, and Henry needs as nap. So I went to Panera to get online and have some soup. As I was ordering, I ran into a friend from camp (Kelsie) that I haven't seen in, like, four years. Crazy.

Since I brought the lappy with me, I left my purse in the car and put my wallet in the lappy bag. The only bad part is that I locked both sets of keys in my car. Again. I'm too ashamed of myself to call Joey and besides, he's at work bringin' home the bacon for his baby. (That would be me.)

I am a complete and total gomer.

I'm not sure how to get myself out of this fix either, since Jamie's in Oklahoma and that would be a really long drive just to come give me a ride home. I may have to walk. It's only 2 1/2 miles...Besides, I probably got fat over Thanksgiving.

Something else really bad happened to me just now, but I can't remember what it is/was. I know it's not that I look creepy because I have a zit (I do, though) or that people are giving me odd "teenager" looks as they walk past (but they are). Maybe it'll come to me later.

So I guess I'm just more fatalistic than necessary, always assuming bad things are happening to me. I'm going to finish my soup and try to figure out how I'm getting home. It's only 6:30 and Joey doesn't get off work until 11.

DANGIT! I am such a gomer!

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