Thursday, November 16, 2006


Just now I was traumatized to find out that Michael Jackson's youngest child's name is Blanket. (Poor child.)


Now I'll be the first to admit that, yes, I did sleep with my security blanket until I was 22 and engaged to be married. But I'm definitely not so attached to that piece of cloth that I would name my oldest son or daughter Blanket.

(Now which would Blanket be, a masculine or feminine name?)

That poor child! First his or her father is Michael Jackson, and second, can you just imagine all the cruel nicknames children would make off of "Blanket?"

If it were me, I'd definitely go by my middle name. (Unless, of course, it was something worse like "bottle" or "pacifier".)

And, for those of you that are really curious, my security blanket is back at my parent's house in a box. I was there once last year without Joey and I pulled it out of the box to try sleeping with it for old time's sake. But it kept me up most all night because I felt
extremely weird.

I found it on the floor in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna you are really cool, a security blanket,I never possessed one! :(
    Great funny blog you have , I will recommend your blog to the few guys posting at Brittany Daniel Online, if those butheads ever take me serious!
