Thursday, November 16, 2006

Henry Gets Smart

About three months ago, we bought Henry a doggy bed. He wasn't interested in it at all; he'd rather beat it up or jump over it than actually sit in it.

Last night, when I came out of the bathroom, this is what I saw. And I was astonished.

"Quick, Joey! Get me a marshmallow! He's in his doggy bed!"

Joey came tearing out of the office (I figured that would spunk Henry right up and then he'd jump out of the bed), grabbed a marshmallow and we gave it to Henry.

Henry likes marshies just about as much as I do, but we hardly ever give him any. I figured he deserved his favorite treat for actually using the doggy bed for its intended purpose.

And he's so cute!

1 comment:

  1. yeah he is cute! well a little bit! :P I have always problems to find smaller dogs cute, I like big hairy one! lol, but funny story! harry
