Thursday, November 16, 2006

Joey Gains 70 Libs

This weekend, our youth group is having an activity called "Life Size Clue". Us leaders are dressing up as the charachters and acting out the story for the kids who have to figure out the mystery.

I am Miss Scarlet, Joey is Professor Plum, and Alex is Professor Brown. Joey's charachter
description was a plump, middle-aged professor.

Immediately he began planning to have a really, really bad costume. Plaid jacket, purple striped shirt, and creepy brown tie. If that wasn't enough, he stuffed a pillow up the shirt to give himself proper "padding", and then had me help him stuff dish towels down his arms to make those look appropriately plump.

He then wore this getup to youth group.

I couldn't pick which picture to put on here, so I'll just put them all. He rare form. Gloriously nerdy. And he was very comfy to lean on during the long meeting we had after youth group. :)

Oh, on Saturday we're putting baby powder in his hair to make him look all gray and old-timey. But enough of me, here's what
he looks like!There are no words. None at all.

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