Friday, November 17, 2006

Lucky Me

Last night, I took a friend from back home to "the best mall in Iowa". We got to go to fantastic stores like Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, and Williams Sonoma. (Williams Sonoma is a dangerous vortex but I managed to come through unscathed and with pocketbook intact.)

I only spent $5, and that was on part of a Christmas present for someone else. I did happen to have a "make a purchase, get something up to $12.50 free" card at Bath and Body, so I got some fantastic hand creme for free. :)

We left the mall at 7:15 (gotta be back in time for CSI with Jamie!!!) and, when we got to the car, I noticed a small, green bag lying on the cement by my car.

"Hey, do you think there's anything in that?" I asked my friend.

I picked it up and opened it up. The first thing I noticed was the receipt: it was from The Gap. And there was no name on it.

I pulled out the item in the bag. It was a white, 3/4 length sleeve layering t-shirt
in my size that was on clearance for $7. And, a month ago when it wasn't on sale, I had considered buying it.

"Your size," my friend sang as she strapped her little boy's car seat into the back of my car.

"Um, so, finders keepers?" I asked, hesitantly. I looked around to see if the car who belonged to the shirt was going to drive up looking for it. "There's no name..."

I made an executive decision and tossed the bag in by my purse. I felt sorry for the poor little girl who lost her shirt, but if I left it in the parking lot either somebody else would take it, or it would get thrown away by security.

It did bring to mind my shopping experience from last week; Joey and I finished all our Christmas shopping and, as we were getting home, we realized that we were missing a package. We figured it was in the car. About 7:30 we checked the car package.

We'd left it on the floor at the store.

Frantically I dug through the phone book to find the number to the store. Nobody was answering the phone, so I called the mall to double check that I had the number correct.

Of course, this particular Hallmark store had gotten bought out and changed names (and, assumedly, phone numbers) since the phone book had come out several months ago. I tried the new number. A very perky girl answered the phone and confirmed that she had my packages. I was elated and said I'd be back the next day to pick them up.

When I came in the next day, there was a different girl behind the counter. This one was none too bright, but after I explained the situation several times, she remembered. I identified the items and we were on our way, bag in hand.

I held on really tight, too.

All this to say, I feel really bad for the poor little girl (or pathetic boyfriend who bought his girlfriend a $7 Gap t-shirt) who lost her shirt at the mall last night. But I do like the shirt, I'm wearing it right now!

1 comment:

  1. you are wearing it right now, lol, what´s about wearing it till christmas! you are a good story teller I have to admit! you could have give the shirt to your girl friend and would have get rid of this problem! :P I just wanted to be mean, lol.
    thanks for your comment on my blog.
