Saturday, November 11, 2006

Dumpy Wife Syndrome

I had decided today that I was going to wear my Canada t-shirt and be a real slob. Joey said, "Oh, I'll be a slob too."

He came back from getting dressed and was not looking like a slob. Immediately I felt as thought I had succumbed to Dumpy Wife Syndrome. In a state of panic, I rushed back and frantically applied makeup and re-did my pathetic ponytail several times.

(The ponytail was kind of hopeless since I have really short hair, but I at least felt better about trying to improve it.)

I felt weird wearing a strange t-shirt, having wet hair in a ponytail, and having makeup on my face, but at least I felt less dumpy.

For good measure I said to Joey, "Um, I think I eat too much sugar. Can you please stop bringing me candy from your work?"

"OK, sure." He hollered from the next room. Aparrently the Dumpy Wife Syndrome crisis wasn't bothering him very much.

After I realized the ramifications of my outburst, I ammended it with, "Except if it's salt water taffy. You can still bring me that."

He laughed.

And now we're going Christmas shopping. We thoroughly intend to get it all done before Thanksgiving. At least I don't look quite as much as though I have Dumpy Wife Syndrome, but the makeup really wasn't that big of an improvement.


  1. hy jenna, wow you have posted a lot! wearing a Canada shirt is really kind of weird, I never wear political symbols as I may say so. I mean if you are not canadian and you wear that shirt the first thought you have is, what am I representing! does I know sth. on this topic and so on! but I must say I like the flag of Canada, it´s a nice flag,

  2. I get dumpy wife syndrome some times but it doesn't seen to bother my husband a bit.

  3. Hey Jenna, if you type "dumpy wife syndrome" into Google, your blog is the first one to come up ;). Your Canadian shirt is awesome, eh, you should wear it on Friday when I get there.

  4. Dude, I will totally wear my Canadian shirt on Friday. Wear one of your cool ones and you and me can storm DSM in the way that only we can. (We'll have to go storm Joey at work and take him a Dewski.)
    And what are you doing typing "dumpy wife syndrome" into Google, anyway?
