Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wherein I Realize That I Have Only 34 Days Left of Gainful Employment In The State of Iowa And I Begin To Panic.

Today didn't start out well in the first place. At about 7:05 Joey came hopping into the bathroom with a disgusted look on his face. He was incapable of saying anything coherent at first (lots of strange jibberish) but I managed to get out of him that he'd stepped in some of Henry's, um, poo. Aparrently Henry had an accident (first one in a couple of months, evil doggy) and Joey was super grossed out.

I had to clean up Henry's little gift while Joey bleached his foot. I almost puked.

Then, when I got here, I tore off my posty-note countdown and realized that the number was 34. Only 34.

I began to get the jibblies.

Then I realized that my desk was piled with work and I probably wasn't even going to be able to finish it all in the 34 days I have left. (And those 34 days count Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.)

I began to get more jibblies. I considered drinking coffee but ruled that out because of the adverse affects on my body's chemistry. (With all that work piled high I needed to not be shaking, having waves nausea, or running around the office screaming "SoBe NoFear, SoBo NoFear!!!!!!")

I opted for my 10:00 tea instead, and wound up making a royal mess of that; I spilled it on my shoe and all over the microwave.

Then, after looking at my calendar (which I found!), I realized that next Thursday and Friday are Thanksgiving and Thanksgivingmas (my immediate family's version of Christmas this year. We have to have it the day after Thanksgiving) and I started getting nervous about the arrival of all the gifts we ordered on the Internet.

I began feeling shifty and a whole lot like that Goblin again.

Immediately after this, the power went out (again) and I thought I lost all my data. I pounded on my desk and announced that I was sick and going home. Then the power came back on and my data wasn't lost. I was disappointed that I wasn't sick and I wasn't going home. (But at least I had my data.)

All in all, I've been kind of frazzled all morning. I guess I'm moving real soon or something, because my stress level seems kind of high. (And I'm not really a high-stress kind of person.) I haven't been this jumpy since I was in 8th grade.

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