Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stuff That Cool People Say

My family has its own linguistic subculture. Seriously. (Sewiously?) If you want to be cool, here are some words and phrases for you to start incorporating into your daily speech. Just watch, people will start handing you money or asking for your autograph in a matter of days.

Stuff To Say:
  • Wight, wight or Sewiously (turn the "r" sound into a "w" sound).
    "Wight, wight" is in response to something somebody said that's only reasonably believable. "Sewiously" is said pretty much whenever you want.
  • Hoser, Hose-Head
    These are pretty much from Strange Brew. Anyone not cool (or anyone at all pretty much) is a hoser.
  • Beauty, eh?
    We don't say this as much anymore, but anything good is a "beauty". It is especially great if you tack on the "eh" after the "beauty". It makes you sound more, um, Canadian. (Which we aren't, but it's fun.)
  • Gomer
    Anyone who is not cool is a gomer
  • Sweet dang!
    This one is The Kid's, I stole it from him. It's pretty great.
  • Witches Brew
    We don't really know why we say this, but sometimes we just say "witches brew" for good measure. It's kind of died off for awhile, but it'll probably come back.
  • Butter
    Joey and I are trying to start this one, but it's not catching on. It's like "bummer" only better because it's like a butt instead of a bum. (Joey's logic, not mine. Let's just go with it.)
  • Don't be sad, Mom/Dad!
    We have to say this all the time. Mom gets sad when we say stuff like "gomer" or "sweet dang", so then we have to say "don't be sad, Mom!" to hopefully cheer her up. It doesn't really work.
    "Don't be sad, Dad" isn't quite as common because Pops doesn't wilt as often as Mom does. But occasionally he does (usually when we're teasing him about "The Frog Face" or some other such Popsism) and then we have to console him.
Be cool, say that stuff. Come on, do it. Now.

1 comment:

  1. When I was at university my group of mates kept using the word 'goodness'. One of the most popular phrases was 'milky goodness' which Ali used to say a lot (he got through about 6 pints of milk every 2 days... nuff said!). Soon a lot of things were described using the word 'goodness'. I still find myself in odd moments saying things like 'cereal goodness' or "coffee goodness".
    Did I mention we were a bit insane at uni? We founded our own commuist state in the house we stayed in during our 2nd year. Ah those were the days... the good old Peoples Democratic Republic of 66 Jesus Lane... or PDR66JL for short. Of course we're now the PDR66JL in exile :)
