Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Kid's Birthday

Last night I finished The Kid's birthday present. (Well, Joey and I together) It's only taken, like, two weeks but we were quite impressed by our work. Sorry, The Kid, you don't get to see it until Friday. Hopefully you think it's as sweet as we do.

Grandma had me order her birthday present for The Kid (so I did), and it finally arrived yesterday. This is the box that it came in.

(Forgive the fact that I look like I swallowed a worm. I was on my way to get my hairs cut.) THE BOX IS GINORMOUS!!! For those of you that know what's actually in the box (this is not you, The Kid), it's a wonder that Amazon actually makes any money since they gave me free shipping. They could have shipped it in a box half that size and it would have still been too big.

Well, The Kid, happy birthday tomorrow. I'm so proud of you for making it 18 entire years with me as your big sister the entire time! See, I got to live 6 years without you but you've never had to (got to?) live without me. Muahahaha.

Happy birthday. Just in time to vote!

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