Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Third Grade

My lunch bag smells like third grade. It grosses me out, every time I open it and get out my lunch, a distinct third-grade, um, odor just about knocks me over.

Granted, after third grade I was homeschooled until 8th grade, and after that I brought my lunch in brown paper sacks. (We private school kids didn't get to have hot lunch.) Brown paper sacks got disposed of every day and, therefore, could not smell like third grade. (Which was the last time I've smelled this smell.)

Imagine the smell of beef stew, garlic roasted chicken, sour cream lemon chicken, apples, and tacos all marinating in the same bag for months at a time. I can't imagine how grody it would smell if I didn't throw the thing in the washing machine every so often.

It's really starting to nauseate me, though, to the point where it's hard to even open the thing up. I hate to waste paper bags or I'd go back to that just so I can keep my appetite. Gross.

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